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5 Reasons to Consider (or Reconsider) Giving to Your Church Online

Apr 05, 2017

I’ve been giving to my church online for several years now. I know that I am not alone.

Online giving is nothing new. It is common for churches and other non-profits to offer you the ability to give through their website.

I recently spoke to a pastor of a large church about their giving. Thirty-eight percent of their givers gave to the church through their website. For those who have been using online giving for some time, this percentage may surprise some of you. You thought that everyone gave online, right?

I would not suggest that everyone should give online. Everyone needs to give in the way that they feel most comfortable. But if you have not considered online giving lately, let me give you five reasons to, at least, reconsider:

  1. Online giving can guard against forgetfulness. Most of us have been there one time or another. The offering plate comes your way, and you realize that you left the check on the kitchen table. Most online giving systems allow you to set up a recurring gift. So on the date you specify, money is taken from your account and given to the church. It’s automatic so you don’t forget.

  1. Online giving helps your church’s budgeting. Recurring gifts helps bring consistency to a church’s weekly giving. This consistency allows church administration to steward the churches financial resources better. There is less guessing about when expenditures should take place.

  1. Online giving lessens your church’s administrative work. When you place a check in an offering plate, it creates greater administration work than online giving. From the counting, to the recording, to the bank delivery, checks launch administrative tasks that are not needed for online giving.

  1. Online giving is safe. Not that giving to your church through the offering plate is unsafe. But there is still some hesitancy for some that relates to the perceived lack of security with online giving. In order to accept online gifts, the system must comply to rigorous security standards. Is it 100% safe? No. Nothing is. Including giving with a check.

  1. Online giving is convenient. Many discover this once they start giving online. It is the same reason why we now shop online, order food online, and watch movies online. The convenience is hard to beat.

Online giving certainly has some benefits worth considering. It has opened up new opportunities for churches and their givers alike.

If your church provides online giving as an option, consider giving it a shot. You may find yourself actually liking it.

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Written by Art Rainer, member of the Summit Stewardship and Generosity Ministry Leadership Team.