
A faithful Steward uses their time, talent, and treasure to know God and make God known

Stewardship Digest

To continue growing as a Steward, sign up for The Stewardship Digest

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Become a Faithful Steward

Taking your first steps toward generosity can feel overwhelming. We want to help! These resources will help you become a faithful steward.

Financial Coaching 8 Money Milestones Should I Give to My Local Church First?
Grow in Generosity

Taking your next step to grow in generosity can be challenging. These resources will help you find your next step as a generous steward.

The Generosity Matrix Journey of Generosity Questions I Get About Tithing
Church Stewardship

The ministry of the Summit is funded by God’s provision through the tithes and generous offerings of faithful Summit members and attenders. We work diligently to ensure that we are doing everything possible to steward these financial resources with wisdom, knowing that God has entrusted them to us for his purposes, not our own.

View Our Policies

Stewardship matters to God.

We want to see 100 percent of people at the Summit generously giving their time, talent and treasure to the mission of God.

Stewardship & Generosity Resources

View Our Resources