City Life

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” From the very start, God was at work, and he designed us in his image—to work and to create. We were made with purpose, equipped with unique gifts, and called to cultivate his world. Work isn’t just a task; it’s a divine calling.

City Life is an immersive experience for students who want to align their careers with God’s mission and become disciple-makers in the workplace. It’s for those who are driven—who desire to integrate their faith with their work and make a lasting impact in the world.

Who Should Apply?

City Life is for ambitious and driven students who have completed City Project or are upperclassmen, ready to dive deeper into the intersection of faith and vocation.

Four Core Learning Outcomes of City Life

1. Growing as a Disciple of Jesus

Work life post-graduation offers a unique opportunity to live out the five identities of a disciple: worshiper, family member, servant, steward, and witness. City Life will equip you to continue growing in these identities while navigating the challenges of a full-time career. Weekly Bible studies, D-groups, and daily Scripture readings will help you cultivate a lifestyle that mirrors the future you’ll face as you live in community and work with purpose.

2. Marketplace Excellence for the Common Good

True success in the marketplace is measured through the lens of love. How does your work reflect God’s love and help others thrive? Whether you're developing a product, leading a team, or serving your community, you’ll learn how to bring excellence into everything you do. Through your job/internship, reading materials on work and theology, and engaging with professional mentors, you’ll gain tools to impact the world for the better.

3. Mission and Justice in the Marketplace

God is a God of justice, and as his image bearers, we are called to be agents of change in our world. Whether you’re a teacher, lawyer, entrepreneur, or craftsman, you can champion justice, advocate for the marginalized, and use your work to reflect God's heart for the poor and oppressed. City Life will give you the vision to turn your career into a platform for God’s redemption in the world.

4. Leveraging your Career for God's Mission

Your career isn’t just a way to make a living—it’s a calling to advance God’s mission. City Life will help you see your work as part of something much bigger. You’ll gain a vision for using your career to join national or international church plants and to strategically position yourself for kingdom impact. Do what you do best for the glory of God, and do it in places where it will make the greatest difference.

What's Included in City Life?

  • Internship/Job: Real-world experience that integrates faith and work.
  • Weekly Bible Study/Dgroup: Dive deeper into Scripture and community.
  • Assigned Resources: Books and materials tailored to challenge and grow you in your understanding of God’s design for work.
  • Forums on Workplace Topics: Engage with leaders in different sectors on key issues around the intersection of faith and work.
  • Mentorship: Connect with experienced career professionals who will guide you through this journey.
Apply for City Life 2025

When: May 19-July 10, 2025
Cost: $175

Apply Now

Applications will be accepted through April 1, 2025. Once applications are received, a member of the Summit College staff will contact each student about whether or not they are accepted into the program and with more details about the summer program.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you have to get your own internship.

That is great! The CL program will work fine if you already have an internship. We will still be providing books, training, and community development through the summer.

Each internship will have a different starting and end date. That is great if it is different. But the program part of City Life will be from May 19 until July 10

  • It will depend on your internship, however, you should expect to work 40-50 hours a week.
  • On some mornings, local CL interns will meet together and discuss books, hear from local businessmen and women, etc.
  • On some nights, local CL interns will have a meal & D Group together.

You will be able to set up your own housing for the summer.