Stories Detail

The Myers

Apr 12, 2016

Meet the Myers: (They have blessed us with their story of adoption today!)

I've been asked to write about our adoption story. The thing is… it didn't happen just a year ago, it started five years prior when God started to take the broken pieces of infertility in our lives and make a beautiful mosaic that is our life today.

For five years we stayed on our knees asking for a child and for five years we suffered in what felt like the silence of God. But in our weakness he moved in our souls allowing us to grow deeper in our spiritual life, which then led to the decision to adopt. We did not decide to adopt because we couldn't have children, we made this decision because God adopted us as his children, because he loves us even in our sin, because he calls us to take care of the fatherless. Adoption is a partnering with Jesus to see lives transformed and our lives were transformed just as our sons by this process.

In that fifth year our hearts we open for whoever God planned for us.  And so it was, on a bright January morning we walked into a bowling alley, signed in and got our name tags to participate in what can only be described as speed dating with kids.  We began to hangout and bowl with all the children there, when this vivacious, talkative 10 year old boy named Janzen walked into our lives and changed everything!

Fast-forward a year later and each one of us can look back and truly see how God brought us all together and how we have all grown closer to him through this process.  

I laugh sometimes, because I always thought God would bring a baby into our lives, but instead of poopy diapers and bottles He threw us right into puberty talks and homework fights.  Either way, God has given us a son, such an amazing blessing, and we wouldn't change a thing.

See you soon,
Rachel, Tri, and Janzen

If Foster-to-Adopt in NC is something that you are considering, the Myers would be happy to meet with you and share their recent experience working through the process. You can email Ben Somerville ( if you would like to connect with them.